Friday, December 17, 2010

Merry Christmas! And It Is!

As the song "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" says, "from now on we all will be together." I'm most grateful our family is all together, that we all live close by and are all healthy and happy. Just a few years ago, we would have been astounded to learn we'd all be living in Texas (especially since we're all from the Rocky Mountain/Pacific Northwest part of the country), but here we are, and glad of it, and not just because the winter here is so much milder! Susie and I are privileged to live near and see our daughters, sons-in-law and granddaughters frequently...some parents and grandparents are not so blessed. We are, and we appreciate it every day. God has been good to us indeed.

My model railroading thoughts, etc., will continue in the next post, but for now...Merry Christmas!